How To Keep Your Horse Healthy in Hot Weather

The hottest days of the summer are around the corner! We all love summer because we have more time to ride and care for our horses on long summer days, but as horse lovers we need ensure our horses’ health is protected this season.
Just like us, horses are sensitive to rising temperatures, and without proper care, they can suffer from dehydration, lethargy, and general discomfort. In extreme cases, heat stress can lead to serious conditions such as diarrhea and colic. So, ensure your horse stays healthy and happy during these hot months with these top tips.
Top Tips For Summer Horse Care
Hydration: For body maintenance, an average horse needs at least 5 gallons of water a day. This can easily double or triple when they’re working hard in hot weather, so make sure your horse is hydrated throughout summer. Keep several water sources available and refill the water buckets or troughs with fresh water regularly. Also, troughs may be more likely to harbor algae or the water can turn stagnant when it is warm, so clean the troughs and buckets more often than usual. If you are going out for a hack or trail ride, consider the water needs of your horse.
Shade: If the horse lives outdoors or if he has to be outside during the day time, provide shelter to relieve them from the hot sun. A run-in shed is the best option but trees can provide some cool shade in hot weather as well. Also, don’t forget that white/gray horses are more sensitive to the dangerous rays of the sun. Horses with pink around their muzzles or eyes can suffer from sunburn, so they need more attention in summer. Remember to apply sunscreen around their muzzle and consider using fly masks that also have light filter.
Fresh Air: When the heat is too high, horses need more fresh air than normal. The air in the barn must be in circulation during summer. You can use simple box fans to move the air and fill your barn with fresh air. Just pay attention to the horses’ safety when using the fans. Don't leave any loose cables around and keep the outlets safe.
Exercise at cooler times: Ride or exercise your horse during the cooler times of the day - such as early in the morning or late afternoon or even evening- and let your horse rest when the sun is high.
Minerals and Electrolytes: We have all seen the recent craze for Liquid IV or other such electrolyte support for humans. Our needs and our horses needs for electrolytes are not new. When we and our horses sweat more from work or hot temperatures they need more minerals and electrolytes to replace those lost in the process. Don’t forget to provide your horse with some salt blocks in the paddock and in their stalls to keep their minerals, salt and electrolytes balanced and consider adding additional electrolyte supplements.
Bugs: Mosquitos and flies are everywhere and they annoy horses during the summer season. To keep mosquitos away, remove any standing, stagnant water in your horse's stable or water trough which will prevent breeding. You can simply add some apple vinegar in to water to prevent mosquito breeding just ensure it does not prevent your horse from drinking. To keep the flies from bothering your horse, muck out regularly, and consider using a fly mask, fly hat or a fly sheet.
- Tack safety: As horses sweat more while exercising during summer, you should ensure that you use high-quality saddle pads and leg protection boots or wraps to promote breathability and moisture wicking. Make sure the saddle pad you use is made of breathable materials and can absorb the sweat and move away from your horses body. Make sure to choose breathable material for boots as well to avoid overheating tendons and ligaments.
- Use Cooling Techniques: After a ride, hose your horse down with cool water, focusing on large muscle groups and areas with major blood vessels like the neck and legs. Using a sweat scraper to remove excess water can help cool your horse cool off faster.
Summer can be an incredible time to share with your horse with longer days and good weather. Follow these tips to maintain your horses optimum health on hot summer days and don't forget to watch for symptoms like excessive sweating, rapid breathing, and a high body temperature. If you notice these signs, cool your horse down immediately and provide plenty of water.
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